How to Buy LIFT on PancakeSwap
The following is a detailed overview of how to purchase LIFT tokens on PancakeSwap
To purchase LIFT tokens on PancakeSwap, a user needs to go through the following steps:
Go to PancakeSwap and connect their MetaMask wallet.
Make sure they have BNB in their MetaMask wallet.
Click trade and then exchange.
Select BNB as the token they want to swap and LIFT as the token they want to swap to.
If they haven't purchased LIFT tokens before, they will need to manually add the address which can be found on CoinGecko.
Once they've inputted the address, it should bring up the LIFT token.
They need to select how much BNB they'd like to swap and follow the on-screen prompts.
A user needs to go through the following steps in order to purchase LIFT on PancakeSwap:
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